Herausgabe von Zeitschriften

Das Kommunikations- Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM) bietet Herausgeber*innen von wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften die Möglichkeit, für das Publizieren und die Verwaltung des redaktionellen Prozesses das Managementsystem Open Journal Systems (OJS) zu nutzen.

Wenn Sie eine von Ihnen herausgegebene Zeitschrift auf ein Open-Access-Modell umstellen wollen, sprechen Sie uns an. Wir beraten Sie gern.

Unter den bisher zehn an der Universität Konstanz gehosteten Zeitschriften befinden sich neun fachwissenschaftliche Journals sowie die Hauszeitschrift KIM kompakt.

Das KIM ist Mitglied im Netzwerk OJS-de.net, das OJS-Dienstleister an deutschsprachigen Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen verbindet. Gemeinsam arbeiten die Netzwerkpartner an Softwareanpassungen und -erweiterungen sowie Wissenstransfer rund um OJS.

Gehostete Zeitschriften

ISBS Conference Proceedings Archive

Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages

Journal of South Asian Linguistics

The Journal of South Asian Linguistics is an open access online journal devoted to the linguistic study of South Asia. JSAL covers the areas of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and their interfaces, from all theoretical approaches, including formal, computational, historical, psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic, cognitive, and acquisition.

Zur Zeitschrift

Journal of Historical Syntax

The Journal of Historical Syntax (JHS) presents theoretically-informed papers dealing with any aspect of historical syntax, whether diachronic change or the synchronic description of historical language states. Papers that combine philological expertise with insights from linguistic theory are particularly welcome, though no particular theory or framework will be given precedence.

Zur Zeitschrift

KIM kompakt

KIM kompakt ist die Zeitschrift des Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM) der Universität Konstanz.

Zur Zeitschrift

LFG Proceedings

The  LFG proceedings publish the papers presented at the annual Lexical Functional Grammar conference. Abstracts are peer-reviewed (double-blind) before being accepted to the conference. For the proceedings the full papers undergo another round of reviewing.  Presentation at the conference does not automatically qualify papers for the proceedings, they must be accepted to the proceedings after the review of the full papers.

LFG conferences are intended to foster research and academic exchange on any work within the formal architecture of Lexical Functional Grammar as well as typological, formal, computational and psycholinguistic work within the 'spirit of LFG' as a lexicalist approach to language employing a parallel, constraint-based framework. 

Zur Zeitschrift

Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung

Sinn und Bedeutung is a major European conference, devoted to formal semantics and pragmatics as well as neighbouring fields.

Zur Zeitschrift

Psychological Research of Early Career Scientists

Psychological research of early career scientists (PRECS) is an open access working paper series publishing original research of early career scientists (e.g. undergraduate, or graduate students) in psychology and related fields. We want to give early career scientists the chance to learn about the publishing process by opening the publication to exceptional graduation theses. The publication of articles is free of charge. 

Zur Zeitschrift

Survey Research Methods

Survey Research Methods is the official peer-reviewed journal of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). The journal publishes articles in English, which discuss methodological issues related to survey research. 

Zur Zeitschrift

Transmediterranean History

Transmediterrane Geschichte stellt kommentierte Quellenexzerpte zu transmediterranen Themen aus der Periode zwischen 600 und 1650 in Originalsprache und Übersetzung zur Verfügung.

Zur Zeitschrift