
The KIM operates a central Shibboleth Identity Provider (IDP) and a local federation for authenticating users to web applications. The University of Konstanz is part of the DFN-AAI Identity Federation. This means that users can enter their local login to access numerous services offered by other universities that are DFN members, e.g. e-learning services, libraries or software providers.


KIM's Shibboleth Identity Provider (IDP) checks account names and passwords before transferring user attributes to service providers. KIM provides a test environment for testing purposes. 

Included services

  • Advice and access to IDP
  • KIM ensures operation of the service
  • IDP link to central services (e.g. IDM and group management)

Excluded services

  • Configuration and operation of services that use IDP
  • Set authorization rules for service providers

For further information about Shibboleth access and requirements, please log in with your staff account using the "My University" tab (top right).