Apply for our Backup Service

Important information:

As soon as we have recieved your  online completed formular, we will sign up  your computer for Tivoli Backup at the Communication and Information Centre (KIZ) of the University of Ulm and send you an email with all neccessary configuration information. The whole sign up process can take up to one week. The IT Service Centre reserves the right to exclude a signed up computer if it is not configured correctly within one month after the configuration information email was sent.

You or the according contact person will be informed via email on the extention option. By filling out this application form you accept the service agreement for the backup (as described on the page "Your way to our Backup Service).

All * marked fields are required. Please do not forget to send the form once you have completely filled it in. To send it, plaase click on the "Send" button under "Finalise form".

Further information on filling out the form can be found here.

To log in, please click on the depicted button in the upper right area. A screen appears for entering the access data for your personal university account. After logging in, you will be given access to protected areas, elements and your internal "My University" area.