What can you do with reference management software?
- efficiently organise bibliographic information
- create a personal literature database
- import information from catalogues, bibliographic databases and the internet
- insert bibliographic information into your academic work
- create bibliographies
The KIM offers introductory courses and advice for EndNote (campus licence) and Zotero (open-source software).
The campus licence for Citavi expired on 31 March 2024.
The programme can be installed and used on a local computer.
reference management
works with Windows and Mac.
EndNote Online
The programme is web-based.
reference management
works with Windows, Linux and Mac.
The programme can be installed and used on a local computer.
reference management
free of charge
works with Windows, Linux and Mac.
Which programme is the right one for me?
A detailed comparison of reference management software is available from the library at the Technical University of Munich (pdf).