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Open Science

Open Science plays an increasingly important role in science and is firmly anchored in the university's strategy. As a researcher, you will be supported by KIM and the Team Open Science from the very beginning in all matters from planning to Research Data Management to Open Access publication.

What can we do for you?


Clipart of an open notebook

Open Science Courses

Policymakers and research funders support Open Science - but what are the benefits to you and your research? The Open Science team has created two courses that provide a first introduction to the issues of the Open Science movement.

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Current news

Collaboration Guide

This self-study resource, developed at Roskilde University (Denmark), offers an introduction to dilemmata of collaborative work.

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Open Science Slam

No technical jargon, no long speeches - just catchy short presentations whose speakers fight for the audience's votes.

Successful ORCID campaign

In the last few months, the KIM has recorded over 200 new ORCID iDs from members of the University of Konstanz!

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