Course information and support for researchers

Course information and support for researchers

Individual consultation

The subject specialists offer advice and information on the following topics:

- introductory events for new researchers
- acquisition requests
- search queries
- literature and knowledge management
- publishing

ILIAS for lecturers

The university’s central e-learning platform ILIAS provides various opportunities for lecturers to include e-learning methods in their teaching:

- it publishes digital teaching and learning materials (on timed release, if required)
- it enables student-teacher communication and cooperation
- it allows for the supervision of assignments
- it offers e-testing and self-testing solutions
- it enables feedback cycles including the creation of surveys and polls etc.


Ina Kunze - Phone: +49 7531 88 -3235 - Email

Scholarly publishing and open access

You can publish your publications online in the institutional repository KOPS. In addition, we will advise you individually on further publication options and the cost absorption for journal articles or monographs from our publication fund.

Open Science and Research Data Management

We advise you on all aspects of Open Science and take care of general and specific questions. In particular, for your Research Data Management concerns, we support you in all tasks along the research data lifecycle. From planning and your research proposal, to legal issues and data generation, storage throughout the research process, publication and long-term archiving of your data. Just get in touch with us about this.


Preventing plagiarism

KIM advises researchers, students, lecturers, departments and university institutions on how to avoid text citation errors and plagiarism.

Individual support for researchers and lecturers:

- teaching materials, information and guides
- university didactics events
- courses you can use in your own teaching
- advice and networked support in collaboration with other university services, e.g. the Writing Centre

Support for departments and institutions:

- didactic concepts and sample workflows for handling plagiarism cases
- concepts for using software
- advice

You will find further materials, details on upcoming events and more on the pages of the plagiarism prevention project.

Contact our subject coordinator:
Oliver Trevisiol Email


In bibliometrics, we assess the productivity and reputation of individual researchers, institutions or universities by collecting data from literature databases and analysing it with the help of mathematical-statistical methods. The results play important roles in funding decisions and application procedures.

We offer advice on:

- levying bibliometic data
- using and interpreting bibliometric indicators for researchers, institutions and departments
- the limits of and methodological problems associated with bibliometrics
- searching the bibliometric database Web of science
- creating researcher profiles (e.g. ResearcherID)
- alternative methods (altmetrics)

Dr Monika May