
Set-up and configuration

If you have already installed Thunderbird, the configuration dialog will be offered directly to set up an e-mail account - in this case, please read step 3. If you want to add the e-mail account of the University of Konstanz to an existing Thunderbird installation, please proceed as follows:

Account configuration

1. Open the application menu in the top right-hand corner of the Thunderbird window (button consisting of three lines), select “Account settings”.

2. Click on the “Account actions” button at the bottom left and select “Add an email account...”.

Namen eingeben

3. Enter your first and last name and your University of Konstanz email address (

Automatische Konfiguration

4. Thunderbird auto-configures all other settings, showing the final configuration once everything is set up. Click on “Done” to complete the configuration process.


5. You can access your email account in the left-hand corner of the Thunderbird window. Click on “Inbox” to view your emails.

If you want to review or change your email settings, please follow these steps:

Einstellungen Mailkonto anzeigen

1. Please right-clickon your email account ( and select Preferences”.

Überprüfung der Server-Einstellungen

2. Click on “Server settings”: The default port of the IMAP server should be 143 , “Connection security” should be set to “STARTTLS”. Then click on “Outgoing mail server (SMTP)” in the column on the left.

Port-Einstellung SMTP

3. It should be set to port “587” and your connection security should be set to “STARTTLS”. If you want to make changes, please click on “Edit”.

Einstellungen aktualisieren

4. Here you can update your settings. However, this should not be necessary for the current configurations.

Managing your address books in Thunderbird

Since version 91 thunderbird can set-up the SOGo-address book and the calender without any plug-in. This manual refers to version 91.

Configure your address book

For each user, Thunderbird manages a personal and a global university address book. The global address book contains email addresses of staff members, professors and students.
Unfortunately, thunderbird is not able to set-up the global university address book in the moment.

Configure your personal address book

In the tap of your mail click on "Address book” to open the address book.

Open SOGo in your browser and select the “Address book” tab.

Select the address book you want to add by clicking on on the three dots and choose "links to this address book".

Now select the “CardDAV URL”  and copy it, e.g. by using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + C”.

Go back to the Thunderbird address book and click on “File - New - CardDAV address book".

Enter the username (firstname.lastname) in the following window and paste the “CardDAV URL” into the address field, e.g. by using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + V”. Confirm by hitting “OK”.

In the new login window type in your university username and your university password. Confirm it by hitting "login".

After the login window has closed you're back in the other window were you should see your personal address book as available.

Now thunderbird will sync your address book and you can use it. It is recommended to rename your address book, because thunderbird already has an address book with the same name.

To rename an address book, do a right-click on your address book and choose "propertise". In the following window you can change the display name of the address book.

Configure the global address book

Thunderbird is not able to set-up the global university address book in the moment.

Remove address book

Right-click on the corresponding address book and select “Delete”.

Configure your SOGo calendar

To use the calendar function in Thunderbird you need the Lightning plugin. Lightning is automatically integrated into Thunderbird versions 38.0.1 and higher.

New calender

To use your SOGo calenders in Thunderbird, press the ALT-Key. After this select File > New > Calender. A new windows will open.

calender on the network

Select On the Network and than hit Next.

In field Username type in your Uni-username (firstname.lastname) and in field Location insert the URL of SOGo "".

The select Find Calenders.

Type in your Uni-Password.

Now you can choose wich calender you want to import. If you don't want one of those calenders in Thunderbird, you can uncheck the caleder.

Select Subscribe.

Now you should be able to see the calenders in Thunderbird.