ORCID at the University of Konstanz

ORCID - What is it?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique identifier for scientists. This solves problems such as name and institution changes and confusion with colleagues with the same name. Once you have registered with ORCID and have been assigned an ID, you can use this ID in various systems of publishers and information institutions, such as in KOPS, the institutional repository of the University of Konstanz. In doing so, you retain control over what information becomes part of your ORCID profile.


ORCID is managed by a non-profit organization funded by contributions from participating institutions. The University of Konstanz is a member of the German ORCID DE consortium.

What ORCID helps you with

  • You can assign your scientific output to your ORCID profile. This way, your publications are uniquely assigned to you.
  • You keep the control. Third parties cannot change your ORCID profile without your consent. You determine what information you add and what you don't.
  • Some services offer automatic synchronization. If you give permission, this allows publications to be added to your profile without you having to enter them yourself.
  • You will keep your ORCID ID even if you change your institution. Once you set up your profile, you can use it throughout your scientific career.

Register an ORCID ID

Registering an ORCID ID is free, takes only a few minutes, and is open to any scientist. All you need to do is follow these steps:

  1. Visit orcid.org

  2. Select the "Sign In/Register" option and then click on "Register Now".

  3. Fill out the form.

  4. Log in to the ORCID website and edit your profile. You can provide information about your work history, qualifications, and publications, and specify who can see this information.

  5. To add a publication to your profile, you can click on "+ Add" in the "Works" section and then select the "Add DOI" option. If you enter the DOI of your publication here, the related information about the publication will be transferred automatically.

ORCID in services of the University of Konstanz

  •  ORCID IDs can be used in KonDATA, the research data repository of the University of Konstanz. If you publish a dataset here, you can deposit your ORCID ID and those of your co-authors to uniquely assign the dataset.
  • You can link your ORCID ID to KOPS, the institutional repository of the University of Konstanz. After linking to ORCID, you can easily transfer your publication entries from KOPS to the ORCID profile.
  • The implementation of ORCID in other services of the university is currently being worked on.