General information and legal framework

The Communication, Information, Media Center (KIM) offers a separate ILIAS environment for online exams. There are generally two options for online exams.

Examination type Examination setting Examination format
On-campus-online-exam Proctored written exam using Chromebooks, BYOD, bwLehrpool on-site ILIAS online-test (MCQs, open-ended questions, essay tasks etc.)
Off-campus-online-test Unproctored online-examination on laptops at home ILIAS take home exam, online-test, combination of both formats (transfer tasks, open book)

Information on the legal framework

Please note that a written (online) exam has to be proctored and can only be held on campus, in terms of the legal framework. Please also note the applicable regulations for digital oral exams.

Here you can find information on the legal framework applicable


Creating and designing (digital) exams

When designing online tests and exams, the same basic instructional principles apply as for conventional exams. Please refer to the information on academic assessment on the Academic Staff Development's pages.