Information for students

Everything you need to know about taking online exams with ILIAS

What do you need to keep in mind for your online exam?

Before the exam, your lecturer will provide you with all the necessary information (date, time, type of exam, schedule of events and link to the virtual examination room in ILIAS exams). If you are registered for the exam, you can log into ILIAS exams using your university account. Check that you are registered for the correct course in ILIAS exams. The course will be displayed on your “Desktop” under “My Courses”. No content will be visible until the exam is activated. If you cannot log in, you may not have been registered for the exam. In this case, please contact the respective lecturer.

FAQs and tips

How do I register for an exam?

Use ZEuS to register for an exam. Under “My studies” and “Planning tool - module plan view”, click on your study programme and select the lectures/seminars for which you would like to take an exam.
If a lecturer registers you for his/her exam, then he/she will inform you. Participation in a normal ILIAS course does not mean you are registered for the ILIAS exam.

How can I tell if I am registered in ZEuS?

In ZEuS, you will see a red-yellow icon with a star showing you are registered for a course’s exam. If you cannot see the icon by the course, then you are not registered for the exam.

Technical tips

We recommend using either the Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser on a laptop or desktop PC with Windows or macOS. Make sure you have a stable internet connection and, if necessary, plug in your laptop during the exam.

If you take part in an online take home exam where you upload files/images at the end, we recommend changing the settings on your smartphone before taking photos to reduce the size of the uploaded files. Expert tip: Take a test photo before the exam and make sure you can read the text. If all else fails, then you can upload the files using mobile data (LTE).

Instructions will soon be available on how to create and reduce the size of PDF files using scan apps.

Who do I need to contact if I have technical problems or questions during the exam?

KIM cannot provide live support during the exam.Your lecturer will let you know who is available to answer questions during the exam and how you can reach him/her/them.

Please report any technical difficulties you have during the exam as soon as possible in the following order:

1. Email your lecturer.

2. If this is not possible, please call him/her. You will also need to document the problem. Please write up a description of the issue. If you receive an error message, your end device will not restart or the something similar happens, you can take a screenshot or picture of your screen and send the photo via email. If you only report a non-specific technical problem, the discontinued exam will nevertheless be counted as a failed attempt.

How can I withdraw from an exam?

Before the respective deadline, you can withdraw from an exam. Your lecturer can provide you with further information about doing so. In line with the examination regulations, you can only withdraw after that date for good reason (usually illness). The reason must be documented (in case of illness via a medical certificate). Otherwise the withdrawal will be counted as a failed attempt.

Before the exam starts, do I have the chance to read the declaration of independent work and/or the declaration before uploading the exam?

Yes, definitely! The texts linked below will appear in ILIAS exams for each respective course. We know that everyone is a bit nervous during an exam. This is why you are welcome to take your time and read the legal texts beforehand. On the day of your exam, you can then tick the box(es) confirming the declaration(s) in the respective ILIAS exams course.

Read the declaration of independent work and

the declaration before uploading the exam.

Legal information and files are posted on the legal matters page.

Is there data protection information for ILIAS exams?

Here is the data protection information as per article 13 GDPR for written online exams in ILIAS.