Legal questions when publishing

Publishing always has a legal dimension. Frequently asked practical questions are:

  • Does it require the consent of the authors or publishers if a third party image is to be published as part of a text?
  • Under what conditions is secondary publication of own contributions in a repository or on platforms such as ResearchGate permitted?
  • What licenses are recommended for Open Access publications?

Enclosed you will find several handouts providing general information on legal issues of publishing.


Citation right

The right to cite is the most important restriction on the subsequent use of third-party copyrighted content in one's own publications. Picture citations are particularly relevant in practice. Detailed information on this topic can be found in the KIM handbook on the right of citation.

Secondary publications

Secondary publications can significantly increase the reach and visibility of scientific publications. But under what conditions are they allowed? Answers to these questions can be found in KIM's guide to secondary publications.

FAQ on copyright law in teaching

A comprehensive overview of the use of copyrighted content in teaching can be found in the FAQ on this topic by the Office of Legal Affairs and KIM Konstanz.

Rechte an Bildern

Der Verband Deutscher Kunsthistoriker hat einen Wegweiser zu Bildrechtsfragen veröffentlicht. Dieser ist auch für andere Fachdisziplinen hilfreich.