Sharing via Name, Federated-Cloud-ID or E-mail Address

Sharing via name (University Account)

This is the normal way to share with other individual members of the University. Other methods, such as sharing with a group or sharing via link, can used in cases where the recipient group is too large or cannot be determined in more detail. Enter the name in the search field. The easiest way is to have the username of the person you would like to share with (see screenshot).

Sharing via Federated-Cloud-ID

If you want to share with someone who is not a member of the University, but does have an account in another Nextcloud or ownCloud instance, you can use the Federated-Cloud-ID. The ID will usually take the form of an e-mail address, but this is not always the case. You will need to know the ID of the person you wish to share with and then enter it into the search field. If Nextcloud assumes that the search result is a Federated-Cloud-ID, it will list the remote username followed by the name of the remote cloud instance in the line below (as seen in the screen shot for the line with grey background). If you want someone to share with you via federated sharing, you will need to give them your ID. This is made up of your username combined with For example, Alternatively you can use the uid (popID) combined with

Sharing via e-mail address

To share with someone who doesn’t have a University of Konstanz account or an account with Nextcloud or ownCloud, you can invite them via e-mail. After clicking on the search result, a public link will be created, which will be sent to them via e-mail. The envelope icon on the right-hand side indicates that the search result is an e-mail address.