Matlab state license

Campus-wide access to MATLAB at the University of Konstanz

Access options for MATLAB, Simulink, and extension toolboxes

Lecturers, students and staff

Lecturers, students and staff can download a personal standalone copy of the software for each computer on which they are the sole users (applies to computers at work and at home). Simply visit the MATLAB portal of the University of Konstanz, where you can download the software and activate the license. The authentication and authorization is done via Shibboleth.

Note on the license period:

The Matlab license is always valid for 1 year. Depending on the version, you will receive a message 30 or 15 days before the license expires after starting the program. In this case you have to renew the license. Please refer to this Quick Start Guide for more information.

Since April 1, 2013, with the support of the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg, universities, colleges, and the Cooperative State University of Applied Sciences of the State of Baden-Württemberg have been guaranteed the supply of MathWorks products via a central license.

If you have any individual questions, please contact KIM Support, Mr. Hartz, Tel. 5156 or your contact person at MathWorks, Andreas Himmeldorf.