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What is beck-online remote access?

You have access to beck-online anywhere on campus. Students and members of staff working in the Department of Law can also opt for remote access to be able to use the beck-online database from home or while travelling.

Who can apply for beck-online remote access?

All members of staff and students in the Department of Law of the University of Konstanz. Remote access for students differs from remote access for members of staff.

How do I request beck-online remote access?

  • Students: Connect to the university network via the Virtual Private Network (VPN). Register with beck-online (name, email address, user name). beck-online will send you a link that lets you choose a password. Once you’ve selected a password, your beck-online access is ready for use.
  • Members of staff: Submit a request for beck-online access for staff members in the Department of Law to KIM. Please complete the application form, including your personal details, have it signed by the Department of Law and send it to KIM (you can find the address on the request form). You will be given a personal user name and default password. Remote access allows you to use the database off-campus and without having to log in via VPN. As a staff member, you can also access the database the same way as students as long as you have VPN access.

Notes on beck-online remote access

Database contents

beck-online remote access offers access to all beck-online content licensed to KIM, just as you’d expect when accessing the database from on-campus. Please go to the Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS) (database information system) or to your beck-online portal to find out which contents KIM has a licence for.


beck-online offers various support services, including:

Terms of use and data protection

You may not pass your credentials on to a third person and must use beck-online for your own scientific purposes only. Read the General Terms and Conditions, which include the terms of use and the beck-online data protection declaration, to learn about how beck-online stores and processes your user data. beck-online remote access is limited and ends when you exmatriculate or when your employment contract with the University of Konstanz ends.