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Estates and Collections
Ascoli, Max
Bahrdt, Hans Paul
Baier, Horst
Berger, Peter L.
Digital Documentation for the German Sociological Association (DGS)
Gerth, Hans Heinrich
Grathoff, Richard
Gurwitsch, Aron
Honigsheim, Paul
Kaufmann, Felix
Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix
Lowe, Adolph
Luckmann, Benita
Luckmann, Thomas
Mannheim, Karl
Mayer, Carl
Mead, George Herbert
Pariser, Franz
Plessner, Helmuth
Popitz, Heinrich
Popper, Karl Raimund
Psathas, George
Salomon, Albert
Schumpeter, Joseph A.
Schütz, Alfred
Schütz, Ilse
Vierkandt, Alfred
Wagner, Helmut R.
Weber, Max
Wolff, Kurt Heinrich