The e-learning team is part of the Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM) at the University of Konstanz. It works closely together with other relevant departments such as Lecture Recording, Academic Staff Development (ASD), and the Division of Student Affairs and Teaching to provide the best possible support for lecturers using digitally enhanced teaching methods.

KIM - E-Learning

Sigmar Papendick M.A.

E-learning unit manager


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Ina Kunze

ILIAS technical support


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Fabian Stöhr

Project team member "Toolmaster"


Phone: +49 7531  88-4659
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Maximilian Wirnsberger Ph.D.

Digitally enhanced teaching technical officer


Phone: +49 7531-88 4632
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Anna Pfeifer

Project team member "PePP"


Phone: +49 7531-88 5763
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  • Mitarbeiterin im Projekt PePP (Partnerschaft für innovative E-Prüfungen. Projektverbund der baden-württembergischen Universitäten)
  • Usability-Tests der bwLehrpool-Suite im Kontext von e-Prüfungen
  • Ableiten von Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Usability von bwLehrpool
  • Aufbau eines Informations-, Beratungs- und Schulungsangebots zu bwLehrpool