High-Performance Computing (HPC) in BW

Logo bwHPC

In order to meet the highest demands for computational science and engineering in research and science, a state concept was developed in Baden-Württemberg for high-performance computing. This resulted in a coherent HPC ecosystem with different performance classes and subject-specific competence centres.

This project is coordinated and continually optimised by the ALWR (Arbeitskreis der Leiter wissenschaftlicher Rechenzentren).

Benefits of the bwHPC State Project

  • Site-specific requirements are taken into account (e.g. integration of the user administration bwIDM).
  • Different hardware and software licences can be managed jointly or individually.

The aim is to provide a basic HPC supply and to support departments that do not have their own clusters for their specific applications. Clusters were procured throughout the state according to these criteria. Each cluster location provides capacities for all co-researchers in Baden-Württemberg within the bwHPC federation.

Participation at the University of Konstanz

Staff members of the University of Konstanz play a significant role in the following tasks within the bwHPC:

  • Advising and training Konstanz scientists and providing them with HPC resources.
  • Representation of interests in conceptual and administrative committees
  • Maintenance and operation of the bwHPC training system and central project administration
  • Software creation, as well as software updates and tests
  • CPU/GPU optimisation, as well as MP/MPI integration of subject-specific standard and open source software
  • Support in the development of HPC-capable individual software