Loan period

Loan period and renewal

Each medium has a fixed guaranteed loan period.

If no reservation is made the loan period will be automatically extended.

The maximum loan period has expired or someone has made a reservation?

Then you will receive a free return request.  If the media is not returned within one week, you will have to pay reminder fees.

Exception: In the case of sub-loans from semester reserve  or intermedia loan of handsets, no free return request will be sent and special fees will be charged.

Media and loan periods:

Books and other media

guaranted loan period: 4 weeks
automatically renewal
max. loan period 5 month

Books and other media

guaranted loan period: 1 week
automatically renewal
max. loan period 5 weeks

Humanities and law journals without a yellow dot

guaranted loan period: 1 week
automatically renewal
max. loan period 5 weeks

Special fee

There is no return request and no renewal for the following media:

  • subloans from semester reserve
  • intermediate loan from handsets

Special fee: 3,00 Euro per day

Only for in-library use:

  • media with a yellow dot
  • media with sticker "keine Ausleihe" (no loan)
  • natural and social sciences journals