Fees and reminders

The library charges the following fees:

Fees and reminders

Costs for a library card

The library card is free of charge for students and staff of the University of Konstanz.  Uni-Card and staff card are also library cards. Readers who do not belong to the university pay a fee for a library card:

  • Annual fee: 30,00 Euro
  • Monthly fee: 10,00 Euro
  • Individual lending fee: The library card is free of charge, 3.00 Euro per medium is charged.

Free of charge:

  • Pupils (presentation of student ID)
  • Students from other universities (presentation of student ID)
  • Trainees (presentation of contract)
  • Recipients of unemployment benefits I and II or social assistance and comparable social benefits
  • Members of "Verein der Ehemaligen der Universität Konstanz  (VEUK)"
  • other persons with a particularly close relationship to the University (guest lecturers, research fellows, members of the "Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule")

Reminder fees

You have one week time to return the media after receiving the free return request.  Thereafter reminder fees will be charged.

Reminder levelfee in Euro
1st level1,50
2nd level +    5,00
3rd level+ 10,00

If you do not return the medium even after the 3rd reminder, we will provide a replacement copy at your expense.  In addition a processing fee of 20.00 € will be charged.  The user service helps with questions to:

  • User account
  • Fees and reminders
  • Loss or damage of borrowed media

Excess fees

Sub-borrowings from semester reserve and intermediate borrowings from handsets are subject to high excess fees:

  • 3,00 Euro for every opening day and borrowed unit
  • additional reminder fee
  • no return request free of charge, no renewal.

Payment reminder

You will receive a payment reminder if  you haven't paid within 30 days and the charges exceed a total of 10 € .

The reminder will be sent by post and invoiced with a postage replacement fee of 0.70 €.

Students and external students will be blocked from borrowing from a total of 25.-  €.

lockers and lockable book trolleys

Lockers within the library are available to students during the first week of lectures of each semester. The issue is handled by KIM-Beratung.

Students with severe disabilities as well as doctoral students can apply for a lockable book trolley at the KIM-Beratung.

An usage fee of 10.00 euros is charged for lockable book trolleys and lockers.

Payment options

  • Cash payment or payment by EC card at the "Loan service" counter (Mon - Fri: 8 am - 5 pm)
  • Bank transfer to the account of the university
  • Online payment with MasterCard, Visa or Electronic Debit (DE) via service function "Library account".

Bank transfer

Reciever: Universitätskasse Konstanz
Bank Instituion: BW-Bank Konstanz
IBAN: DE92 6005 0101 7486 5012 74

Please always list your library card number (matriculation number 01/..., staff number 03/... or external card number 05/...) when making the transfer and the following number 230100000434.