Eduroam is available in many areas of the University, but not all. The main areas are:
- Public areas (such as the main entrance)
- The library
- Lecture theatres
- Seminar rooms
Network coverage extends across the library and parts of buildings A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, P, R, Y, Z as well as the sports hall and water sports area. Should you require a stronger network connection in a particular part of the campus, please contact us at support(at)
Number of access points per building/floor
Here you can view how many access points there are on individual floors of university buildings:
Improved coverage
Over the last few months, we have installed a number of new wireless transmitters, thereby expanding our network coverage. Not only do we seek to increase the area we can provide coverage for, but to improve the quality of our existing service (fewer hiccups and faster connections).
We use surveys, requests and inquiries from various user groups to identify new areas that require wireless network coverage.
Since Wi-Fi is particularly important to students (most of whom will not have access to a workspace with a LAN cable connection), public spaces, lecture halls and seminar rooms are among the first to be equipped with transmitters.
If you want to submit a suggestion for another area that would benefit from expanded coverage (or improved service), please send an email providing details to The transmitters are currently provided by KIM.
In accordance with the university’s Leitlinien zum WLAN-Ausbau (guidelines on expanding Wi-Fi coverage), transmitters may not be installed in office spaces. Instead, we use utility rooms, corridors or seminar rooms and therefore need to install network cables and sockets. Since KIM doesn’t have a budget to lay new cables, this part of the process must be externally funded.
That said, even after the expansion the wireless network will not be available at permanent workspaces (these include laptops that are primarily used in one location) - in spite of the improvements we have made, WLAN/Wi-Fi internet is not a viable alternative to a LAN cable connection in office spaces, as LAN cable access is less complicated, faster and more reliable. (Plus, we simply cannot provide a sufficient spectrum of frequencies to provide adequate coverage for permanent workplaces.)
All newly installed wireless transmitters come with the faster 802.11a standard.
Please check our News page for further updates on the coverage expansion.